If a student starting to think about his future and aiming to develop a truly successful and diverse career in business, the Accounting qualification can help him to achieve his career goals.
Today all are expected to work and live in a very dynamic, continuously changing and more complex environment where traditional experience and beliefs are meaningless, to survive in this competitive environment successfully; one must have the skill and knowledge to analyze the data and information available in mass.
Organizations today require Professionally qualified (CIMA, ACCA,CWA) business leaders with the strategic vision to understand the big picture and identify factors that determine success.
The syllabus aims to develop:
- Knowledge and understanding of the purpose of accounting, of accounting concepts and techniques and to develop the application of those techniques.
- The skills of numeracy, communication, presentation, analysis and evaluation of accounting information.
- The ability to compile accounting reports in good format and to use them as the basis of informed and rational decision-making.
- A capacity for logical and objective thought which will serve as an end in its own right, as well as a basis for further study in accounting.
- Accounting is a basic skill needed for the community from households to other professionals to maintain the accounts of what they earned and spent.
- Professionals (non accountants) have to analyze the figures considering accounting impact of their major decisions.
- To impart the knowledge of the Accounting system, Costing and Corporate and Management Accounting to enable the students to achieve very good results at Edexcel examination.
- Our target is to achieve 90 % results every year and to reach gradually toward 100 %.
Since Accounting is a professional subject, it is very crucial to have someone who is fully equipped with all the knowledge and skills of accounting to teach the subject.
CHSE accounting staff at the Edexcel Accounting workshop on 22nd October, 2010 at Nalahiya Hotel, Male’, Maldives
TopChallenges ahead
- To provide quality education, enabling them to qualify for different universities around the globe.
- Students should become more interested in scoring + 70 % ( B and A grades) in the subject.
- Individual teachers to achieve 100 % results.
- Teachers should promote students to be active, independent learners and problem solvers rather than Passive Recipients of information.(system of spoon feeding has to be stopped)
- Students should be encouraged to use the Text books to develop the knowledge in accounting theories.
- Students should be trained to think critically and independently to use analytical abilities to answer the questions at the examinations
- To continue giving inspiration to the students in achieving our target and working for that.
- Helping out students through extra classes and consultancy service.
- Exam oriented seminars to be conducted in 2nd (4th) semester.
- Teachers may identify “slow learners” in the classes and make arrangements to improve their standard.
- To promote students to prepare group projects on theories of Accounting.
- To promote students to actively take part in Business Society activities.

Mr. Rod Gribble – Chief Examiner – accounting, addressing Edexcel workshop on 22nd October 2010, at Nalahiya Hotel, Male’, Maldives
TopOur Team
- Ms. G. Annieclara (HOD)
- Ms. Aminath Azhar
- Ms. Aishath Sujaath