
Environs is the environment club of Centre for higher secondary education (CHSE). Environs being an open club for both science and business students in common, it binds us students in a relationship that we are brothers & sisters working together as a family to protect, care & save our environment from the destructive impacts of mother nature and humankind alike.
About Environs
Environs is an idea generated amongst individual students of CHSE in the year 2000. The name Environs came from within this group of enthusiastic environment loving students. The First Elected President of Environs Ibna Adnan was the one who came up with the name of Environs (pronounced as An Vi Rons). Today Environs has changed from the small student body in to a wide and well organised club, It has also achieved alot of goals and contributed to much and climbed on to ambitious heights. Not only has it strengthened and flourished within this journey towards a greener future, Environs has also guided countless amounts of students, created awareness and love for our nature within our souls and we the students have found what the true meaning of environment beholds.

The first Environs team
During the past few years Environs has gained so much love and support from our dearly students, we have come across numerous challenges, yet we have overcome all those obstacles and have come closer to reaching our destination with the help of all students, from both Science & Business streams.
Today Environs is no doubt the most active club in CHSE, with an annual Environmental awarness fair(Environs fair) and many other environment related activities in its annual calendar, we the Environs are proud to accompany and guide all CHSE students towards the greener future where we the Environs being the most senior level students wish to set an example to all other schools and also in the process help them stand up to pledge their support to the environment aswell.

Environs won the prestigious Fehi Fai (Green Leaf) Award in 2008 from the former president Maumoon Abdhul Gayyoom
Environs conducts and participates in many activities throughout the school year. Among these the most notable is the Environs Annual Fair where different NGOs and the whole school participate resulting in a huge event for the environment. Some of the other activities that the Environs has been and are involved are listed below
- Annual Ozone Day Celebrations
- Annual Green Consumer Day Celebrations
- Climate Change Workshop
- Youth Fair
- Eden Project at CHSE
- Sultan Park trees' tagging program